How Box Partitions Are Beneficial For a Range of Industries

Business owners far and wide turn to General Partition Company for customized solutions when it comes to their interior packaging needs. We have served almost every industry with high-quality box partitions, so we know which box partitions are best for the products you’re trying to ship. Learn more about the use of box partitions throughout various industries in this quick and informative read. 


Businesses in the pharmaceutical industry can’t afford to receive damaged supplies or equipment. Research can fall behind, or customers don’t have access to the medicine they need as a result. It may be a one-time instance, but it can have dire consequences. To ensure pharmaceutical supplies are always safe and protected, operations managers should opt for high-quality SBS box partitions


Electronic equipment is made of various delicate components that can break or get displaced. This is particularly a problem during transportation, as packages can often be handled carelessly between shipment and delivery. Packaging electronic parts or devices properly is the key to ensuring a safe trip. Consider using the very best in chipboard partitions to separate and protect your electronics.  


The cosmetics industry is all about aesthetics. Your customers want to be impressed from the moment their package arrives at the doorstep. Consider that taken care of when you use SBS partitions to pack and transport your cosmetic products. SBS partitions are thick and sturdy enough to protect vials, palettes, and bottles from breaking, plus they have a beautiful sheen that adds a little flair to your packaging. 

Wine & Spirits

Most alcoholic beverages are sold in glass bottles. Although these glass bottles are designed to resist breakage, glass will always be a fragile product that requires the utmost protection. Prevent glass products from banging against each other during transportation by using chipboard or corrugated box partitions. Corrugated partitions are built with multiple layers, so they offer the highest level of protection possible. 

And More!

The industries listed above are just a few of the countless businesses that can benefit from box separators. However, we mustn’t forget the importance of partitions in other industries as well, such as:

  • Automotive
  • Food service
  • Home Goods
  • Canning and Bottling
  • Stationery
  • Agriculture
  • Etc. 

To learn more or place an order for custom box partitions, contact us today.